Let’s Make La Crosse Great for Everyone!


Here at Access Our City, we want to make the City of La Crosse great for everyone, especially for those with disabilities. We realize that life presents a new set of barriers when a disability becomes apart of it. Especially when it comes to getting around town, shopping, eating at restaurants, and the list goes on.  The purpose here is give people who experience the barriers of living with a disability a voice that is heard by the City of La Crosse. A voice that makes business owners and the City understand how they can truly accommodate people with disabilities versus just doing the bare minimum to be ADA compliant. However, a voice can only be heard if it is used, so lets start using it right here!

Home Forums

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    • Any ACTIVE Access Our City Entity/Identity
      This group is for ANY individual, entity, organism, organization, item, etc. ACTIVE ANYONE or ANYTHING that's "alive" out here in this worldwide web community, as the group’s only cause and direction is currently just for me to see if this site is still active and functioning. And all one has to do is make a word or sign in this group. Cool?
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    • Business Owners
      Meet other business owners in the community to share information and resources to help make each others businesses more accessible.
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    • People with Cognitive Barriers
      Meet others who experience cognitive barriers such as learning, remembering, and thinking to help each other with information, resources, and support.
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    • People with Hearing Barriers
      Meet others who experience barriers with hearing and help each other with information, resources, and support.
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    • People with Movement Barriers
      Meet others who experience barriers with movement and help each other with information, resources, and support.
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    • People with Vision Barriers
      Meet others who experience barriers with vision and help each other with information, resources, and support.
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